Batting and Fielding in Women's European Under-17 Twenty20 Championship 2009 (Ordered by StrikeRate)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
LK Delany (Ire)2205454  27.00 101.88012 
LN McCarthy (Ire)22095  4.50 90.00002 
L Jack-Brown (Sco)2201313  6.50 86.660001
KA Carlin (Ire)22055  2.50 83.33000 
CM Carthy (Ire)22243* 80.00000 
SM Kavanagh (Ire)2204630  23.00 68.65000 
LI Wilkinson (Sco)2202723  13.50 67.50000 
CG Steenstra Toussaint (Neth)2201612  8.00 66.66002 
M Veringmeier (Neth)2201212  6.00 66.66001 
S Haggo (Sco)22088  4.00 66.66000 
H de Burgh White (Ire)220107  5.00 58.82000 
KJ Garth (Ire)2202726  13.50 57.44000 
L Dickson (Sco)22063  3.00 54.54000 
N Wheeler (Sco)221139*13.00 50.00000 
HDJ Siegers (Neth)2202320  11.50 48.93000 
LC Boylan (Ire)2211611*16.00 43.24000 
CJ Erkelens (Neth)22043  2.00 36.36003 
LK Bennett (Neth)22196  9.00 36.00001 
MLM Ross (Sco)11022  2.00 33.33000 
TS Gruter (Neth)22022  1.00 25.00000 
RMB Dickmann (Neth)11022  2.00 25.00000 
EM Priddle (Sco)22011  0.50 25.00000 
CAM van den Bosch (Neth)11111* 25.00001 
J Prenen (Neth)22088  4.00 21.05000 
PA Chatterji (Sco)22074  3.50 18.91000 
MDR Entrop (Neth)22043  2.00 18.18000 
ESE Sanders (Neth)22132*3.00 16.66000 
BD Gillin (Sco)11111* 16.66000 
RA Waldie (Sco)22022  1.00 10.52001 
F Rae (Sco)22000  0.00 0.00000 
SL Christie (Sco)22000  0.00 0.00001 
JH Offerman (Neth)21000  0.00 0.00000 
AM Gill (Ire)21100* 0.000001
E Gill (Ire)20       0 
E Ryan (Ire)20       0