Batting and Fielding in Women's European Under-17 Twenty20 Championship 2009 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
LK Bennett (Neth)22196  9.00 36.00001 
LC Boylan (Ire)2211611*16.00 43.24000 
KA Carlin (Ire)22055  2.50 83.33000 
CM Carthy (Ire)22243* 80.00000 
PA Chatterji (Sco)22074  3.50 18.91000 
SL Christie (Sco)22000  0.00 0.00001 
H de Burgh White (Ire)220107  5.00 58.82000 
LK Delany (Ire)2205454  27.00 101.88012 
RMB Dickmann (Neth)11022  2.00 25.00000 
L Dickson (Sco)22063  3.00 54.54000 
MDR Entrop (Neth)22043  2.00 18.18000 
CJ Erkelens (Neth)22043  2.00 36.36003 
KJ Garth (Ire)2202726  13.50 57.44000 
AM Gill (Ire)21100* 0.000001
E Gill (Ire)20       0 
BD Gillin (Sco)11111* 16.66000 
TS Gruter (Neth)22022  1.00 25.00000 
S Haggo (Sco)22088  4.00 66.66000 
L Jack-Brown (Sco)2201313  6.50 86.660001
SM Kavanagh (Ire)2204630  23.00 68.65000 
LN McCarthy (Ire)22095  4.50 90.00002 
JH Offerman (Neth)21000  0.00 0.00000 
J Prenen (Neth)22088  4.00 21.05000 
EM Priddle (Sco)22011  0.50 25.00000 
F Rae (Sco)22000  0.00 0.00000 
MLM Ross (Sco)11022  2.00 33.33000 
E Ryan (Ire)20       0 
ESE Sanders (Neth)22132*3.00 16.66000 
HDJ Siegers (Neth)2202320  11.50 48.93000 
CG Steenstra Toussaint (Neth)2201612  8.00 66.66002 
CAM van den Bosch (Neth)11111* 25.00001 
M Veringmeier (Neth)2201212  6.00 66.66001 
RA Waldie (Sco)22022  1.00 10.52001 
N Wheeler (Sco)221139*13.00 50.00000 
LI Wilkinson (Sco)2202723  13.50 67.50000