Batting and Fielding in Under-15 Inter-Regional Championship 2017 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
TJ Adamson (CH)3301111  3.66  001 
S Ahmad (WW)4201211  6.00 63.15000 
TL Bradburn (EK)33016091  53.33  011 
DO Cairns (WW)3203623  18.00 66.66000 
JS Cairns (EK)11022  2.00 25.00000 
L Cameron (CH)21000  0.00  000 
FHM Campbell (EK)3319053  45.00 81.81010 
J Crooks (EK)22065  3.00  000 
A Dasmahapatra (CH)2201712  8.50  000 
FK Duncan (CH)5507734  15.40  005 
SJ Elstone (CH)3309164  30.33 51.12011 
H Evans (CH)4403636  9.00  0033
F Ford (CH)10       0 
GRE Gallman-Findlay (CH)1101212  12.00 48.000001
P Gill (EK)11077  7.00 26.92000 
CR Grant (CH)33065  2.00 22.22001 
J Greene (WW)10       0 
AS Guy (WW)2103434  34.00 80.95002 
RS Heginbottom (WW)43011878  39.33 102.60012 
DCT Hood (EK)54011057  27.50  010 
JA Jarvis (EK)440138  3.25  001 
RM Johnson (EK)22042  2.00  000 
R Kennard (CH)3322514*25.00 49.01001 
A Khan (WW)4305453  18.00 60.00010 
RA Khan (WW)42075  3.50 33.33001 
T Koteeswaran (WW)11111* 33.33000 
DLS Laird (CH)1101111  11.00 26.19000 
J Lambley (CH)330129  4.00  002 
MJ Layton (EK)5403128  7.75  001 
SJ Lister (CH)22054  2.50  001 
GI McIntyre (EK)4414929  16.33  001 
TSS Mackintosh (EK)55016651  33.20  0231
A Malik (WW)3211911  19.00 35.18000 
HJC Murray (EK)2101515  15.00 68.18001 
JM Nowell (WW)10       0 
BR O'Mara (CH)33098  3.00  002 
JC Pearson (EK)32099  4.50 40.90000 
CD Peet (EK)5404717  11.75  000 
FT Peet (EK)543178*17.00  000 
CC Phipps (EK)11188* 34.78001 
FSJ Rao (WW)42022  1.00 28.57003 
LJ Robertson (CH)5504135  8.20  002 
L Robinson (CH)550177  3.40  000 
D Salmond (CH)4401310  3.25 52.00002 
SMS Shah (WW)4203737  18.50 40.65002 
HD Simpson (EK)4302319  7.66  000 
RW Simpson (WW)21055  5.00 83.33001 
E Sloan (CH)11055  5.00 29.41001 
DJL Sturgess (WW)3319260  46.00 48.67011 
ER Swan (CH)1101616  16.00 47.05000 
Taha Khan (WW)21100* 0.00000 
Z Tariq (WW)20       0 
R Tauro (CH)11122*  000 
ST Thakur (CH)332127  12.00 16.00001 
SRI Walker (WW)10       0 
C Westwood (CH)11000  0.00 0.00000 
MHB Zulfiqar (WW)3201210  6.00 31.57001