Batting and Fielding in Under-15 Inter-Regional Championship 2013 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
T Ahmed (WW)6602015  3.33 26.31001 
RM Allardice (EK)7411411*4.66 35.89002 
GW Anderson (WW)5514227  10.50 46.66001 
AL Appleton (EK)41100* 0.00000 
KD Arvind (EK)30       2 
Z Ashraf (WW)7726629*13.20 98.500073
MW Baddeley (CH)5302218  7.33 48.88000 
R Bain (WW)10       0 
KA Baretto (CH)631158  7.50 136.36002 
HR Briggs (WW)3301812  6.00 31.03000 
RD Cameron (CH)64310237*102.00 68.00001 
HG Carnegie (CH)77218163*36.20 107.730151
AM Cockburn (EK)77013948  19.85 78.53004 
IRG Craig (WW)55110066  25.00 51.28010 
JGT Crawley (EK)8807936  9.87 49.68002 
NE Critchley (CH)7715619  9.33 31.63003 
AF Culley (CH)77212239*24.40 63.21001 
ER Dawtrey (EK)6402711  6.75 47.36002 
TA Dean (EK)5509540  19.00 39.91002 
KS Dhami (WW)3303716  12.33 48.05002 
JW Dickinson (EK)88012542  15.62 50.40005 
TRR Dryden (EK)77316057*40.00 70.480172
RJ Evans (EK)770198102  28.28 60.55103 
EA Everett (EK)11100* 0.00000 
A Ewing (WW)3302622  8.66 27.08000 
B Falconer (EK)3325750*57.00 61.95012 
LM Farndale (WW)3312312  11.50 28.39000 
MA Ghaffar (WW)66012641  21.00 56.75000 
HM Gillin (CH)7619554  19.00 85.58012 
A Grayson (CH)41044  4.00 25.00000 
JE Guy (WW)11066  6.00 120.00000 
MAG Hancock (EK)551167  4.00 55.17001 
AMM Hinton (EK)88020876  26.00 58.42025 
JR Hogarth (CH)75212964  43.00 82.16011 
JC Holland (WW)10       0 
C Horn (WW)2201612  8.00 45.71000 
AJI Houldsworth (CH)5307748  25.66 50.99002 
LWB James (WW)5512411*6.00 63.15002 
RA Johnston (CH)77016046  22.85 67.79005 
S Kakar (WW)21011  1.00 50.000001
ST Khan (WW)66014981  24.83 61.57016 
FDW McCreath (EK)77010552  15.00 57.37012 
ES McIntosh (EK)5413916  13.00 67.24001 
H Mahmood (WW)220189  9.00 36.73000 
DJ Main (EK)11022  2.00 40.00000 
I Malik (WW)5323427*34.00 54.83001 
B Mehreban (WW)11022  2.00 25.00001 
CJ Miller (EK)3302712  9.00 42.85000 
LJL Peterson (CH)62111*1.00 12.50004 
WK Porter (CH)31044  4.00 80.00001 
CG Robertson (CH)43013067  43.33 58.29013 
H Sabri (WW)5505423  10.80 47.36000 
A Shah (CH)3305128  17.00 60.00000 
SMO Shah (WW)55011147  22.20 53.36003 
FC Strachan (WW)2213626  36.00 87.80000 
OT Taylor (WW)220116  5.50 16.92000