Charles Cumberlege

Full name:Charles Farrington Cumberlege
Born:29th July 1851, Karachi, Sind (now in Pakistan), India
Died:12th February 1929, Ealing Common, Middlesex, England
Batting:Right-hand batter
Clubs:Crystal Palace Wanderers; Owls; Rossall Rangers; Northumberland Club (1865-1898); Northumberland County Club (1899,1904); Southill (1899-1903)
Education:Rossall School; Somersetshire College, Bath
Biography:Official at the Bank of England
Relations:Son: RC Cumberlege; Son: BS Cumberlege; Son: RF Cumberlege
Teams:Surrey (Main FC: 1872);
All teams
Lists of matches and more detailed statistics

First-Class Career Batting and Fielding (1872)