Fielding in Women's European Under-21 Championship 2006 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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CL Bascombe (Sco)21 1
DM Braat (Neth)21 1
L Dickson (Sco)21 1
KL Doherty (Eng)21 1
JL Dunn (Eng)21 1
L Egging (Neth)21 1
M Kornet (Neth)21 1
SJ Le Marchand (Eng)2011
ME Nijman (Neth)21 1
DE Prestidge (Eng)21 1
MEMO Scott-Hayward (Ire)21 1
FE Urquhart (Sco)21 1
JK Watts (Eng)21 1
IMG Westbury (Neth)21 1
JA Whelan (Ire)21 1