Bowling in Women's European Championship Twenty20 2011 (Ordered by Average)

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EJ Tice (Ire)2402233-227.33 008.00 5.50
AJ Kenealy (Ire)1801711-1717.00 0018.00 5.66
LN McCarthy (Ire)1801811-1818.00 0018.00 6.00
JC Hartenhof (Neth)2402411-2424.00 0024.00 6.00
IMHC Joyce (Ire)18080     2.66
LK Delany (Ire)180120     4.00
KJ Garth (Ire)241120     3.00
L Brouwers (Neth)220140     3.81
E Lanser (Neth)240170     4.25
HW Rambaldo (Neth)240170     4.25
ELT de Lange (Neth)240180     4.50