Fielding in Women's European Championship 2007 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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SJ Le Marchand (Eng)3145
EAJ Richardson (Ire)34 4
DE Prestidge (Eng)33 3
JC Carroll (Ire)3112
J Pashley (Neth)2112
HW Rambaldo (Neth)32 2
CMA Shillington (Ire)32 2
CJ Sweetman (Sco)32 2
NJ Coffey (Ire)31 1
KL Cross (Eng)31 1
CNIM Joyce (Ire)31 1
M Kornet (Neth)31 1
CJ Metcalfe (Ire)31 1
ME Nijman (Neth)31 1
A Shrubsole (Eng)31 1
AS Tanke (Neth)31 1
HE Whelan (Ire)31 1
JA Whelan (Ire)31 1
DN Wyatt-Hodge (Eng)31 1