Bowling in Vitality Women's Twenty20 Cup 2018 (Ordered by Player)

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BK Absolon (Suff)200230     6.90
GL Adams (Sx)7806673-99.42 0011.14 5.07
A Aitken-Drummond (Sco)9008911-1089.00 0090.00 5.93
EC Albery (Mx)174018692-920.66 0019.33 6.41
M Ali (Sy)4806021-2230.00 0024.00 7.50
A Anderson (Nthum)3003811-1438.00 0030.00 7.60
EJ Anderson (Wo)180280     9.33
EL Arlott (Wo)121011531-1738.33 0040.33 5.70
H Armitage (Lin)4203332-1211.00 0014.00 4.71
HF Arrol (Es)8426352-2012.60 0016.80 4.50
BM Ascott (Nr)180210     7.00
B Ashley (Nthum)7206042-915.00 0018.00 5.00
AC Avoth (Dor)120811-88.00 0012.00 4.00
AV Baird (Hert)240290     7.25
G Ballinger (Wk)6907832-3026.00 0023.00 6.78
C Banks (Hert)120150     7.50
E Banks (Cam)180120     4.00
E Barker-Garrod (Dor)300380     7.60
ZMM Barkes (Cam)90011432-2338.00 0030.00 7.60
I Barnes (Le)9017131-1223.66 0030.00 4.73
E Barrett (Buck)180320     10.66
D Barrow (Wilt)170290     10.23
EL Bartram (Ox)11418632-1828.66 0038.00 4.52
GA Basketter (Wales)168010763-1817.83 0028.00 3.82
HDM Bates (Buck)102013421-2867.00 0051.00 7.88
M Batkin (Shrop)7208053-816.00 0014.40 6.66
MC Baxter-Chinery (Cam)3806054-1912.00 107.60 9.47
LK Bell (Berk)6606732-1522.33 0022.00 6.09
MS Belt (Kent)156111372-1016.14 0022.28 4.34
O Bentley (Staff)1684139113-2112.63 0015.27 4.96
FC Bertwistle (Sx)1802411-2424.00 0018.00 8.00
K Best (Dy)4222533-118.33 0014.00 3.57
F Bibi (Nr)13849131-330.33 0046.00 3.95
EM Blamey (Corn)7205242-913.00 0018.00 4.33
FH Bollen (Wilt)1702411-2424.00 0017.00 8.47
H Bonnell (Berk)3003211-1732.00 0030.00 6.40
S Boothright (Lin)1443124113-1811.27 0013.09 5.16
ME Bouchier (Mx)130150     6.92
LN Bowen-Jones (Sm)5306521-1132.50 0026.50 7.35
CK Boycott (Wo)156014142-2235.25 0039.00 5.42
V Bradley (Dur)240300     7.50
HFK Bradnock (Cam)2402511-1625.00 0024.00 6.25
CL Brady (Es)1812022-2010.00 009.00 6.66
RA Brazier (Le)1240115104-1211.50 1012.40 5.56
HM Brennan (Mx)1860153104-1415.30 1018.60 4.93
K Brodrick (Dy)8409442-623.50 0021.00 6.71
TF Brookes (Wk)6605052-510.00 0013.20 4.54
G Brown (Cum)4213111-1631.00 0042.00 4.42
HM Brown (Nr)120200     10.00
N Brown (La)9319273-1013.14 0013.28 5.93
P Brown (Wilt)99010232-1334.00 0033.00 6.18
Z Brown (Dor)138113353-1026.60 0027.60 5.78
KE Bryce (Sco)150010882-813.50 0018.75 4.32
R Buckley (Hert)8407152-1314.20 0016.80 5.07
I Bunn (Yor)96010752-2221.40 0019.20 6.68
A Burgess (Dor)2403233-1510.66 008.00 8.00
E Burgess (Cam)4605133-2417.00 0015.33 6.65
CS Burnett (Corn)5406542-616.25 0013.50 7.22
S Butler (Staff)10229462-915.66 0017.00 5.52
MC Callaghan (Ham)6614242-1910.50 0016.50 3.81
I Carey (Gs)330410     7.45
RJ Carrick (Ham)10218864-1314.66 1017.00 5.17
FH Cartwright (Wales)138013292-1814.66 0015.33 5.73
KS Castle (Es)3002111-821.00 0030.00 4.20
ER Chandler (Ham)10837464-1212.33 1018.00 4.11
PA Chatterji (Sco)8416252-1512.40 0016.80 4.42
K Chomse (Nthum)2404011-2140.00 0024.00 10.00
E Churms (Shrop)300350     7.00
C Cirkel (Hert)7206721-1533.50 0036.00 5.58
O Clark (Lin)96010172-1414.42 0013.71 6.31
SAM Clarke (Wo)5008511-2785.00 0050.00 10.20
L Clements (Wales)2812544-56.25 107.00 5.35
IM Cloke (Hert,Kent)3003211-1632.00 0030.00 6.40
JM Cook (Nt)1802136123-1611.33 0015.00 4.53
CL Coombes (Sm)84010051-1420.00 0016.80 7.14
CJ Cooper (Shrop)138014243-3335.50 0034.50 6.17
KL Coppack (Ches)174013272-1418.85 0024.85 4.55
E Costin (Suff)1803022-1415.00 009.00 10.00
JA Couser (La)120100     5.00
PAC Cowdrill (Ham)1260102156-276.80 018.40 4.85
LJ Crofts (Ox)4213032-2010.00 0014.00 4.28
KL Cross (La)144012072-1417.14 0020.57 5.00
CJ Crosse (Gs,Ham)350450     7.71
A Cubitt (Norf)156113562-1922.50 0026.00 5.19
A Cummins (Corn)240360     9.00
EG Cunningham (Berk)156017482-1821.75 0019.50 6.69
F Cutler (Dor)420420     6.00
H Cutler (Gs)7807953-2115.80 0015.60 6.07
ND Dattani (Mx)125016811-10168.00 00125.00 8.06
AN Davidson-Richards (Kent)13218851-717.60 0026.40 4.00
FR Davies (Sx)136211784-814.62 1017.00 5.16
GK Davis (Wk)1861146143-1610.42 0013.28 4.70
L Day (Wilt)8817353-1214.60 0017.60 4.97
CE Dean (Ham)1773100124-48.33 1014.75 3.38
L Dean (Ham)12050     2.50
A Dixon (Wk)220180     4.90
K Dixon (Cum)4104611-1546.00 0041.00 6.73
BJ Dodd (Es)8806883-258.50 0011.00 4.63
K Dolman (Wilt)180140     4.66
WRP Dovey (Hert)168112121-1260.50 0084.00 4.32
G Draper (Yor)154018821-2094.00 0077.00 7.32
CB Duggan (Buck)102011442-2828.50 0025.50 6.70
SIR Dunkley (Mx)12419782-812.12 0015.50 4.69
KL Durham (Cam)60170     17.00
C Dye (Norf)720670     5.58
AE Dyson (Dy)3503021-615.00 0017.50 5.14
M Dytham (Dy)6004664-37.66 1010.00 4.60
EM Edgcombe (Dev)9624632-1215.33 0032.00 2.87
RG Edge (Norf)9016353-912.60 0018.00 4.20
M Edwards (Ox)360420     7.00
N Edwards (Shrop)108010532-2035.00 0036.00 5.83
BL Ellis (Wk)120210     10.50
L Ellison (Dur)8206553-1513.00 0016.40 4.75
AK Evans (Gs)128015862-1326.33 0021.33 7.40
H Evans (Wilt)6070     7.00
PJ Everett (Suff)90010911-27109.00 0090.00 7.26
RA Fackrell (Wk)2050     15.00
HM Falla (Dur)4406532-521.66 0014.66 8.86
EC Farquhar (Buck)6605921-1329.50 0033.00 5.36
L Farrant (Gs,Wilt)138015541-1538.75 0034.50 6.73
NE Farrant (Kent)9008642-1221.50 0022.50 5.73
HL Fenby (Dur)138211831-1539.33 0046.00 5.13
LL Filer (Sm)8516142-1615.25 0021.25 4.30
O Fletcher (Dy)11419952-2519.80 0022.80 5.21
S Florides (Dev)10828682-610.75 0013.50 4.77
SN Ford-Keeble (Suff)12080     4.00
R Foreman (Nthum)180210     7.00
AC Fox (Dy)1804122113-1211.09 0016.36 4.06
C Frame (Hert)4204611-2246.00 0042.00 6.57
HR Francis (Buck)5408411-2084.00 0054.00 9.33
PA Franklin (Kent)1020     12.00
A Free (Norf)6010     1.00
B Gajipra (Mx)1321107123-158.91 0011.00 4.86
A Gardner (Nr)7206542-1316.25 0018.00 5.41
JL Gardner (Wk)7839821-1049.00 0039.00 7.53
AL Gauvrit (Nt)1201211-1212.00 0012.00 6.00
ER Geach (Corn)7805073-127.14 0011.14 3.84
KL George (Ham)3621033-33.33 0012.00 1.66
GJ Gibbs (Kent)9808772-212.42 0014.00 5.32
DR Gibson (Wales)140213292-1014.66 0015.55 5.65
LM Gladdy (Gs)240180     4.50
R Gleaves (Cum)3012711-527.00 0030.00 5.40
AA Glen (Yor)103210352-1520.60 0020.60 6.00
S Glenn (Wo)102010231-1034.00 0034.00 6.00
GKS Gole (Mx)132112853-2025.60 0026.40 5.81
AG Gordon (Sy)7807221-1936.00 0039.00 5.53
KL Gordon (Nt)1860172124-2514.33 1015.50 5.54
C Graham (Cam)120200     10.00
PC Graham (Berk)12009293-2610.22 0013.33 4.60
LL Grant (Sco)240300     7.50
TM Graves (Nt)7207242-1718.00 0018.00 6.00
E Gray (Sy)150014242-1335.50 0037.50 5.68
CM Green (Sx)162294123-197.83 0013.50 3.48
DL Gregory (Sy)138113274-718.85 1019.71 5.73
Z Griffiths (Shrop)108012853-2325.60 0021.60 7.11
RL Grundy (Wk)1831142154-109.46 2012.20 4.65
RL Gunn (Dor)1801511-1515.00 0018.00 5.00
I Hall (Cam)180180     6.00
PC Hankins (Nr)131112752-2025.40 0026.20 5.81
R Hardy (Berk)120084103-88.40 0012.00 4.20
NH Harman (Sx)108010853-2321.60 0021.60 6.00
BC Harmer (Norf)5005421-927.00 0025.00 6.48
S Harper (Suff)180290     9.66
S Harrad (Norf)2102922-1014.50 0010.50 8.28
AY Harris (Buck)8507721-1138.50 0042.50 5.43
C Harris (Dor)4203711-1337.00 0042.00 5.28
K Harris (Dor)132111683-514.50 0016.50 5.27
G Harrison (Dy)10818852-1017.60 0021.60 4.88
A Hartley (La)144011853-2323.60 0028.80 4.91
KM Hartnett (Ches)143014852-3129.60 0028.60 6.20
B Harvey (Sx)7205532-1918.33 0024.00 4.58
K Hassall (Hert)300430     8.60
T Hassan (Buck)4050     7.50
KE Haszeldine (Ches)350610     10.45
L Haward (Le)2402711-1827.00 0024.00 6.75
N Hawes (Nthum)3604632-2015.33 0012.00 7.66
JL Hawker (Sm)108110375-614.71 0115.42 5.72
RV Hawkins (Sco)168313652-2827.20 0033.60 4.85
G Haworth (Ox)90110731-1135.66 0030.00 7.13
R Hayward (Berk)120100     5.00
A Heath (Shrop)130012121-1460.50 0065.00 5.58
C Hewson (Es)1801333-134.33 006.00 4.33
J Higgs (Staff)3603111-2331.00 0036.00 5.16
LF Higham (Nt)192016594-1618.33 1021.33 5.15
RA Hildreth (Yor)120260     13.00
M Hodge (La)108010384-1212.87 1013.50 5.72
M Hodkinson (Sm)144012141-1030.25 0036.00 5.04
M Holifield (Dev)1801411-1414.00 0018.00 4.66
J Hoyte (Norf)126015363-2425.50 0021.00 7.28
JD Humby (Wo)95011953-2423.80 0019.00 7.51
M Hunkin (Gs)2403311-2633.00 0024.00 8.25
T Hussain (Cum)240330     8.25
T Hussan (Buck)3604911-1549.00 0036.00 8.16
S Hutchins (Dev)162490113-98.18 0014.72 3.33
E Hutchinson (Buck)360330     5.50
JS Jackson (Kent)12017082-58.75 0015.00 3.50
LE Jackson (La)168213893-2015.33 0018.66 4.92
S Jacobson (Dur)3003822-2819.00 0015.00 7.60
ME Janman (Es)12056163-1210.16 0020.00 3.05
A Jenkins (Sy)120722-73.50 006.00 3.50
E Jones (La)360550     9.16
HL Jones (La)4803222-1316.00 0024.00 4.00
HV Jones (Sy)157017862-2229.66 0026.16 6.80
J Jones (Sy)80211-22.00 008.00 1.50
LE Jones (Shrop)5815311-2453.00 0058.00 5.48
M Jones (Staff)7315273-217.42 0010.42 4.27
N Kaye (Cum)105010952-1221.80 0021.00 6.22
L Keefe (Hert)360450     7.50
S Keightley (Nr)108011932-1739.66 0036.00 6.61
LG Kellogg (Dy)156214262-1223.66 0026.00 5.46
AN Kelly (Kent)161112162-1020.16 0026.83 4.50
M Kelly (Wk)3303532-611.66 0011.00 6.36
L Kent (Suff)132312742-1031.75 0033.00 5.77
B Kerins (Sy)144014182-1117.62 0018.00 5.87
SM Khan (Gs)114013762-1122.83 0019.00 7.21
A Lague (Es)18688483-610.50 0023.25 2.70
EL Lamb (La)120015021-2275.00 0060.00 7.50
K Lamb (Nthum)120230     11.50
M Lang (Wilt)440330     4.50
BA Langston (Yor)3404011-540.00 0034.00 7.05
J Lapworth (Le)4805132-1717.00 0016.00 6.37
DM Lavender (Suff)84010711-19107.00 0084.00 7.64
HA Leach (Le)126013382-1916.62 0015.75 6.33
E Leggate (Lin)120130     6.50
KA Levick (Yor)1746141133-1610.84 0013.38 4.86
E Lewis (Es)9617431-524.66 0032.00 4.62
N MacBean (Buck)120190     9.50
CM McCarthy (Sx)2411533-105.00 008.00 3.75
J McCulloch (Cum)60411-44.00 006.00 4.00
J McDowell (Dur)360430     7.16
K McGill (Sco)1730186123-2215.50 0014.41 6.45
E McLean (Nthum)92011652-523.20 0018.40 7.56
AJ Macleod (Berk)124011152-1422.20 0024.80 5.37
H Maitlan (Dor)360350     5.83
JL Makarski (Nthum)1802711-2727.00 0018.00 9.00
AM Maqsood (Sco)1561142103-1014.20 0015.60 5.46
A Markham (Dor)120160     8.00
LA Marsh (Kent)4203511-1135.00 0042.00 5.00
Y Martin (Lin)5406011-760.00 0054.00 6.66
EC Mason (Ches)110013583-3416.87 0013.75 7.36
R Mathews (Shrop)2040     12.00
J Matthews (Shrop)430410     5.72
S Matthews (Dor)600820     8.20
CJ Metcalfe (Nr)7917641-419.00 0019.75 5.77
KL Midwood (Le)120180     9.00
BJ Miles (Buck)156016362-1227.16 0026.00 6.26
N Milhofer (Gs)10519142-1222.75 0026.25 5.20
JL Mills (Sco)120160     8.00
KE Mills (Wilt)420710     10.14
E Mitchell (Corn)420540     7.71
V Mitchell (Suff)4704633-1515.33 0015.66 5.87
S Mitchelmore (Ox)168213242-1333.00 0042.00 4.71
AZ Monaghan (Ham)7206832-2222.66 0024.00 5.66
C Monteith (Nr)6005564-159.16 1010.00 5.50
SL Moore (Ox)120110583-1413.12 0015.00 5.25
BL Morgan (Mx)60110     11.00
FMK Morris (Ham)1741118123-129.83 0014.50 4.06
SEN Munro (Nt)150215572-1922.14 0021.42 6.20
E Musson (Le)114011621-958.00 0057.00 6.10
A Muttitt (Berk)96011921-2159.50 0048.00 7.43
LH Neild (Cam)120811-88.00 0012.00 4.00
RI Newark (Yor)4205711-3157.00 0042.00 8.14
CL Nicholas (Wales)180310682-913.25 0022.50 3.53
C Noble (Ox)7807742-1219.25 0019.50 5.92
TG Norris (Sx)9609252-1518.40 0019.20 5.75
EM Norton (Ox)8406211-1862.00 0084.00 4.42
L Oakley (Corn)7806741-1016.75 0019.50 5.15
MIE Oddi (Es)5405132-1717.00 0018.00 5.66
SB Odedra (Nt)146014431-1348.00 0048.66 5.91
RN Odgers (Corn)1010     6.00
T O'Farrell (Ham)120140     7.00
A Oliver (Cam)240340     8.50
L O'Reilly (Ches)480400     5.00
P O'Riordan (Suff)360350     5.83
E Otton (Wilt)240360     9.00
CA Oxton (Ox)181344-30.75 104.50 1.00
UR Paramjothy (Le)9025621-228.00 0045.00 3.73
LA Parfitt (Wales)5806442-1216.00 0014.50 6.62
N Parsons (Nr)97012522-1562.50 0048.50 7.73
AA Patel (Wk)144012362-2020.50 0024.00 5.12
BN Patel (Le)1320132103-1113.20 0013.20 6.00
M Patel (Nr)4804942-612.25 0012.00 6.12
NKA Patel (La)6007921-1439.50 0030.00 7.90
S Pearson (Cam)10808372-811.85 0015.42 4.61
RE Pembroke (Wilt)2503022-915.00 0012.50 7.20
R Petherick (Dur)1680144114-1113.09 2015.27 5.14
S Phelps (Cam)96012052-2424.00 0019.20 7.50
C Phillips (Lin)4204932-716.33 0014.00 7.00
CE Phillips (Corn)108110942-1627.25 0027.00 6.05
CR Phillips (Gs)138310921-1054.50 0069.00 4.73
G Poole (Es)7214643-1611.50 0018.00 3.83
GA Porter (Ox)8416874-59.71 1012.00 4.85
L Porter (Hert)8408742-1221.75 0021.00 6.21
A Potgieter (Berk)180280     9.33
RE Potter (Ox)126111773-3116.71 0018.00 5.57
GEA Potts (Staff)144011541-628.75 0036.00 4.79
AD Presland (Nr)60100     10.00
L Prest (Dor)9008742-2521.75 0022.50 5.80
DE Prestidge (Ches)150014552-1229.00 0030.00 5.80
A Price (Hert)8418542-121.25 0021.00 6.07
M Price (Ches)780770     5.92
EM Priddle (Cum)6606611-866.00 0066.00 6.00
RH Priest (Wales)80511-55.00 008.00 3.75
E Pringle (Norf)5406621-1133.00 0027.00 7.33
M Quinlan (Lin)180410     13.66
HRA Rainey (Sco)6007011-1470.00 0060.00 7.00
DA Ransley (Ham)1801011-1010.00 0018.00 3.33
N Richards (Sm)185014462-1524.00 0030.83 4.67
SE Richards (Corn)4223054-66.00 108.40 4.28
JL Roberts (Corn)120611-66.00 0012.00 3.00
FC Robertson (Dev)12609963-1816.50 0021.00 4.71
HF Robson (Nthum)1490157133-612.07 0011.46 6.32
N Rowbottom (Lin)125110952-2421.80 0025.00 5.23
LA Rowles (Wo)6006121-330.50 0030.00 6.10
CJ Rowson (Kent)9409063-1115.00 0015.66 5.74
EA Russell (Wk)120012252-2324.40 0024.00 6.10
E Ruxton (Hert)4504132-313.66 0015.00 5.46
P Safford (Cam)7208411-1884.00 0072.00 7.00
C Sainsbury (Cam)10818732-1029.00 0036.00 4.83
NJ Samuels (Suff)1323132103-1113.20 0013.20 6.00
M Satterthwaite (Le)4070     10.50
B Saunders (Suff)60811-88.00 006.00 8.00
CK Scarborough (Wales)6005621-1628.00 0030.00 5.60
PJ Scholfield (Sx)102011521-2157.50 0051.00 6.76
LE Scott (Nthum)138015032-2950.00 0046.00 6.52
M Sellars (Sy)3004911-1349.00 0030.00 9.80
L Shaw (Suff)163014321-1371.50 0081.50 5.26
SA Short (Shrop)6606421-1032.00 0033.00 5.81
H Shuker (Shrop)3603632-2112.00 0012.00 6.00
RH Silk (Dev)1743105155-67.00 0111.60 3.62
A Simms (Lin)16228762-1014.50 0027.00 3.22
IEJ Sims (Staff)1651135145-89.64 1111.78 4.90
B Sleath (Cum)84011211-17112.00 0084.00 8.00
B Smith (Lin)181312992-1114.33 0020.11 4.27
BF Smith (Sy)108010452-1920.80 0021.60 5.77
E Smith (Yor)4214621-1523.00 0021.00 6.57
LCN Smith (Sx)7214311-843.00 0072.00 3.58
M Smith (Cum)10209331-1731.00 0034.00 5.47
S Smith (Cum)114111083-2113.75 0014.25 5.78
B Solomon (Nr)85010343-2425.75 0021.25 7.27
AJ Squire (Dev)4202621-1013.00 0021.00 3.71
CS Squire (Dev)13829682-912.00 0017.25 4.17
EE Steel (Cam)1802711-2727.00 0018.00 9.00
E Stones (Staff)4203811-1738.00 0042.00 5.42
MG Story (Wilt)3603822-2419.00 0018.00 6.33
L Swinburne (Suff)150115753-1531.40 0030.00 6.28
LE Szczepanski (Sm)177113893-1715.33 0019.66 4.67
E Thatcher (Dy)157013973-1019.85 0022.42 5.31
E Thomas (Cum)2403611-1736.00 0024.00 9.00
A Thompson (Cum)120200     10.00
KC Thompson (Yor)1806117112-710.63 0016.36 3.90
EK Tiffin (Nthum)541710     7.88
S Timmins (Buck)1802322-2311.50 009.00 7.66
PE Timson (Es)7242294-12.44 108.00 1.83
L Tipton (Dur)174012693-1614.00 0019.33 4.34
CS Toal (Le)7227121-1035.50 0036.00 5.91
H Trow (Corn)4105621-1728.00 0020.50 8.19
G Tulip (Sm)9616252-1212.40 0019.20 3.87
SA Ullah (Nthum)2404011-1440.00 0024.00 10.00
MK Villiers (Es)97210821-354.00 0048.50 6.68
EJ Wakeling (Wilt)661810     7.36
C Wale (Le)360260     4.33
B Walker (Dur)3602921-414.50 0018.00 4.83
C Walker (Hert)9017321-1136.50 0045.00 4.86
E Walker (Berk)125210363-1017.16 0020.83 4.94
MR Walsh (Yor)1201822-189.00 006.00 9.00
B Wanless (Dur)126010832-1036.00 0042.00 5.14
JA Ward (Shrop)120130     6.50
FE Watrasiewicz (Cam)6519421-1147.00 0032.50 8.67
IC Watson (Wo)162018052-1736.00 0032.40 6.66
K Webb (Hert)13209394-610.33 1014.66 4.22
JR Westley (Cam)300380     7.60
R Whitmore (Dor)120120     6.00
CE Whyle (Staff)110100     5.45
LI Wilkinson (Sco)4203621-1518.00 0021.00 5.14
F Williams (Norf)4205743-1214.25 0010.50 8.14
KL Williams (Corn)8306072-58.57 0011.85 4.33
O Williams (Norf)2403411-2334.00 0024.00 8.50
A Williamson (Norf)132210352-1820.60 0026.40 4.68
HR Wilson (Buck)127212442-731.00 0031.75 5.85
M Wilson (Staff)1673101103-510.10 0016.70 3.62
K Withycombe (Nthum)1772154113-2014.00 0016.09 5.22
KJ Wolfe (Mx)6606832-1922.66 0022.00 6.18
IECM Wong (Wo)114013672-1719.42 0016.28 7.15
EA Woodhouse (Norf)9309642-1224.00 0023.25 6.19
S Worsdale (Ches)10819632-1032.00 0036.00 5.33
K Wright (Suff)1802233-227.33 006.00 7.33
FE Wynne (Wales)170114872-1521.14 0024.28 5.22
RE Yeo (Dor)120190     9.50