Fielding in Vitality Women's County Championship 2024 (Ordered by Catches)

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HJ Buck (Yor)35 5
LM Heap (Dor)35 5
IV Collis (Sx)34 4
E Crosby (Dy)44 4
A Darlow (Dy)44 4
AG Gordon (Sy)34 4
RN Odgers (Corn)44 4
CR Phillips (Gs)44 4
IFK Routledge (Mx)34 4
J Vereker (Dev)44 4
M Andrews (Dy)33 3
M Barnwell (Ox)33 3
L Bell (Hert)4314
DEM Carter (Kent,Sco)33 3
KS Castle (Es)23 3
M Churchill (Dor)43 3
R Dennington (Yor)43 3
AR Diab (Ox)23 3
S Gaiger (Wilt)33 3
J Heppell (Wilt)33 3
E Hicklin (Nt)43 3
A Lee (Staff)33 3
A Muttitt (Berk)23 3
AD Presland (Nr)33 3
HF Robson (NEW)33 3
DL Roff (Le)33 3
F Rook (NEW)33 3
IK Sidhu (Suff)43 3
H Austin (Nr)42 2
A Avery (Berk)22 2
D Badge (Nt)42 2
E Banks (Hunt)32 2
S Beech (Staff)3224
J Board (Suff)42 2
HM Brown (Nr)32 2
S Burrows (Shrop)12 2
A Butcher (Nr)42 2
A Clive (Shrop)12 2
Z Collinson (Shrop)3224
A Colquhoun (Le)32 2
E Cullen (Hert)32 2
HR Davis (Es)32 2
KL Dymond (Ox)22 2
A Dyson (Dy)22 2
M Dytham (Staff)32 2
E Edgecombe (Sm)42 2
B Ellis (Gs)32 2
DC Feast (Sy)32 2
A Free (Norf)32 2
ER Geach (Gs)42 2
O Gough (Wo)3224
A Hannan (Lin)32 2
LM Harris (Sm)12 2
K Hassall (Hert)32 2
K Haynes (Cam)32 2
AV Hill (Gs)32 2
STA Hughes (Es)22 2
I Hussain (Mx)2224
LE Jackson (La)12 2
F James (Staff)12 2
T Johnson (NEW)32 2
A Lague (Nr)32 2
E Lewis (Dev)42 2
F Lonsdale (Yor)22 2
AJC Mitchell (Ham)32 2
AC Munday (Dev)2213
EM Nightingale (Yor)42 2
CJ Oastler (Suff)4213
CVE Pape (Kent)32 2
GL Parfitt (Wales)32 2
LA Parfitt (Wales)32 2
L Perry (Staff)32 2
MK Pittman (Dy)2213
A Robbins (Wilt)1213
NJ Samuels (Suff)32 2
LA Shenton (Staff)42 2
IK Sidhu (Suff)32 2
IEJ Sims (Staff)32 2
CN Skelton (Gs)22 2
L Smitten (Wk)22 2
HL Snape (La)12 2
PN Sproul (Ham)32 2
TL Stockdale (Buck)42 2
CF Stubbs (Sy)32 2
L Swinburne (Suff)42 2
J Thompson (Yor)22 2
E Turner (Nr)3213
REA Tyson (Hert)32 2
K Waugh (Ox)22 2
C Westbury (Ox)32 2
E Wrightson (Yor)32 2
Aamna Khan (Wk)11 1
CG Abel (Sco)21 1
A Acklam (Yor)11 1
MAB Adams (Sx)31 1
EJ Anderson (Wo)31 1
LM Armitage (Lin)31 1
L Ashman (Sm)21 1
C Aylmore (Hunt,Nr)31 1
O Baker (Nt)31 1
A Banks (Hunt)11 1
EG Barnfather (Hert)31 1
E Bartram (Ox)31 1
J Beach (Wo)11 1
MS Belt (Kent)21 1
S Bennett (Le)3123
F Bertwhistle (Wo)41 1
Z Bilal (Kent)21 1
MS Bishop (Dor)41 1
DK Brandon (Kent)11 1
P Brett (Wo)31 1
O Brinsden (La)21 1
EJH Bristowe (Ham)31 1
MR Bulteel (Berk)31 1
EEL Burke (Sy)31 1
CS Burnett (Corn)41 1
HIW Burridge (Sy)31 1
R Burton-Pye (Buck)11 1
P Camplin (Berk)11 1
LM Cantrill (Staff)31 1
A Clarke (La)2123
D Clarke (Ham)41 1
F Clarke (Berk)31 1
MR Corteen-Coleman (Kent)11 1
EG Cunningham (Suff)41 1
E Dack (Norf)31 1
PL Davies (Staff)31 1
RE Davis (Dev)21 1
C Deacon (Cam)21 1
E Dixon (Sm)21 1
KE Donovan (Dev)41 1
A Downer (Mx)41 1
A Drummund (Sco)11 1
M Dyer (Hert)21 1
I Ellsmore (Staff)11 1
A Eltringham (NEW)31 1
M Faisal (Sco)21 1
T Fellows (Buck)41 1
NP Forecast (Gs)11 1
I Fox (Norf)31 1
BN Gammon (Wales)21 1
IA Gentry (Sx)21 1
DJ Gibb (Sx)31 1
B Gillgrass (Wo)41 1
EMA Godman (Wales)21 1
CM Green (Sx)31 1
R Halliday (Gs)11 1
RJ Halliday (Gs)31 1
L Harding (Cam)11 1
P Hardwick (Dy)41 1
NH Harman (Sx)11 1
K Harris (Dor)11 1
G Harrison (Staff)41 1
B Harvey (Sx)21 1
N Harvey (Sm)41 1
P Hawker (Sm)21 1
L Hawkins (Sm)11 1
AA Herathge (Le)31 1
I Hill (Wo)41 1
M Hobbs (Dor)21 1
SM Horley (Mx)31 1
F Houlden (Cam)21 1
J Hoyte (Norf)31 1
E Hughes (Nt)41 1
S Hughes (Suff)21 1
D Hunt (Wilt)21 1
S Hutchins (Dev)31 1
O Hyndman (Suff)21 1
E Ingram (Ox)3123
L Jack-Brown (Sco)21 1
E Janas (Wales)11 1
M Janczewski (Wales)31 1
D Jeanes (Sm)41 1
N Jerman (Cam)3123
LK Johal (Sy)21 1
KA Jones (Gs)2123
T Joseph (Sx)11 1
LE Judge (Mx)41 1
SCI Kang-Mullen (Dy)11 1
AD Kemp (Hert)41 1
L Kenvyn (Shrop)41 1
RSI Khan (Sx)31 1
R King (Ham)21 1
EC Lamb (La)31 1
CM Lambert (Sy)31 1
S Lawrence (Le)11 1
AG Lee (Berk)11 1
RSM Lili'i (Dev)41 1
N MacBean (Buck)31 1
S McCollum (Dy)31 1
O Macey (Nt)11 1
GC Marriott (Hert)31 1
NT Miles (Mx)31 1
A Mills (Ham)31 1
E Mitchell (Corn)31 1
S Mitchell (Es)31 1
S Mitchelmore (Ham)31 1
DE Mullan (La)21 1
E Newey (Shrop)21 1
L Oakley (Corn)41 1
S Pai (La)31 1
AA Patel (Wk)31 1
H Perkin (Dev)21 1
G Poole (Es)31 1
E Porter (Nt)41 1
GA Porter (Ox)21 1
E Pritchard (Corn)31 1
F Purviss (Shrop)11 1
LK Randle-Bissell (Yor)21 1
BMF Ray (Le)11 1
KLM Rees (Dor)31 1
MR Reid (Hert)41 1
N Reid (Wales)11 1
GL Relf (Le)21 1
J Roberts (Sm)31 1
N Rushton (Norf)31 1
A Shaw (Lin)31 1
L Shaw (Dy)31 1
A Shearn (Wilt)11 1
H Shuker (Wk)21 1
PK Sidhu (Suff)11 1
E Smith (Norf)11 1
E Smith (Wilt)31 1
T Smith (Corn)41 1
B Solomon (Nr)31 1
KE Speed (Es)21 1
S Springett (Buck)11 1
TI Stanley (Ham)21 1
MG Story (Gs)41 1
B Talbot (Nr)31 1
J Taylor (Hunt)21 1
MSL Taylor (Sx)31 1
FRMS Teekasingh (Hunt)31 1
PV Thanawala (Le)11 1
L Thomas (Wales)3112
GJ Thompson (NEW)21 1
IS Thomson (Wilt)31 1
EK Tiffin (NEW)11 1
P Tirimanna (Norf)21 1
PG Tulloch (Berk)31 1
L Turner (Mx)41 1
EP Vukusic (Dev)31 1
MG Ward (Nt)41 1
LB Western (Sx)31 1
JR Westley (Es)31 1
LA Weston (Le)11 1
AB Wheeler (Staff)21 1
KE White (Sy)11 1
E Whiting (NEW)31 1
CE Whyle (Staff)11 1
P Wilkinson (Corn,Sx)41 1
KL Williams (Corn)41 1
L Williams (Dor)31 1
L Wright (Wilt)21 1
Zainab Ahmed (Cam)11 1
E Bogg (Wilt)2011
R Bp (Buck)1011
K Butler (Dor)4011
E Phillipson (Sm)1011
MEW Rogers (Berk)2011
N Smitten (Wk)3022