Batting and Fielding in Under-15 Inter-Regional Championship 2014 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
T Ahmed (WW)65110955*27.25 48.23011 
SD Allan (WW)440149  3.50 13.72002 
AL Appleton (EK)52132*3.00 27.27003 
Z Ashraf (WW)6406642  16.50 77.64008 
MW Baddeley (CH)430157  5.00 39.47000 
KA Baretto (CH)5507724  15.40  009 
AEC Beattie (EK)10       1 
AJ Brewer (CH)30       1 
HR Briggs (WW)53010880  36.00 47.78013 
AH Brown (CH)6646227*31.00  000 
OJ Brown (EK)5417342*24.33 65.17003 
B Caton (CH)11011  1.00 16.66000 
GM Chambers (WW)11011  1.00 11.11000 
TD Counsell (EK)11199* 90.00000 
JGT Crawley (EK)660436117  72.66 63.18131 
OJ Davies (CH)5515129  12.75  001 
KS Dhami (WW)6407628  19.00 69.09001 
TM Diamond (CH)3301810  6.00  000 
JW Dickinson (EK)6612912  5.80 40.27002 
CR Edmond (WW)10       0 
CJ Everett (EK)21122* 100.00000 
CR Garden (CH)6608125  13.50  007 
F Godfrey-Faussett (EK)10       0 
A Grayson (CH)6609231  15.33  000 
AS Guy (WW)10       0 
MAG Hancock (EK)5413024  10.00 63.82004 
WW Hardie (CH)5527428  24.66  001 
RW Hawthorn (EK)10       0 
MIC Hay-Smith (EK)22021  1.00 22.22000 
AMM Hinton (EK)55110138  25.25 68.70002 
R Irvine (EK)2212212  22.00 68.75001 
RA Johnston (CH)6609951  16.50  011 
AZ Khan (WW)32175*7.00 46.66000 
RD McCallum (WW)21022  2.00 28.57000 
FDW McCreath (EK)66020761  34.50 64.48022 
LJ Macias (WW)3301110  3.66 39.28000 
ES McIntosh (EK)6505022  10.00 58.13000 
I Malik (WW)640128  3.00 36.36001 
CJ Martin (EK)4313021  15.00 107.14003 
M Miah (EK)11133* 60.00000 
CJ Miller (EK)6515733  14.25 86.360051
JL Oliver (WW)6407130  17.75 35.85002 
BRI Pearson (CH)5507531  15.00  000 
LJL Peterson (CH)4312610  13.00  000 
B Plomer (CH)31133* 17.64000 
A Qureshi (WW)10       0 
PGF Ritchie (EK)10       2 
FJ Ross (CH)5402613  6.50 57.77000 
SMO Shah (WW)44114358  47.66 68.09010 
TJ Simpson (EK)1101717  17.00 36.17000 
JW Stuart (EK)3111313* 50.00002 
H Tahir (WW)62032  1.50 30.00002 
OT Taylor (WW)32121*2.00 66.66000 
I Ul Haq (WW)21000  0.00 0.00001 
AJ Waller (CH)22085  4.00  000 
LPJ Ware (WW)5321313*13.00 59.09001