Batting and Fielding in Under-14 Inter-Regional Championship 2019 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
HDJ Armstrong (EK)33115673*78.00 66.10010 
B Esakhiel (WW)33010244  34.00  001 
J Edington (CH)2229650* 124.67013 
GT Murray (EK)3308860  29.33 59.45010 
OGT Gould (WW)2207543  37.50  001 
RM Johnson (EK)1117272* 146.93011 
EC Keatinge (EK)2206749  33.50 74.44001 
NK Koteeswaran (WW)3306235  20.66  000 
W Silcock (CH)2205748  28.50 139.02001 
LD Briggs (CH)2214627*46.00 100.00000 
TK Yahathugoga (CH)2204141  20.50 56.94000 
U Ahmad (WW)2203325  16.50  000 
DJ Burgess (EK)1102424  24.00 96.00000 
S Arivind (CH)2201910  9.50 51.35000 
U Ahmed (WW)1101515  15.00 115.38000 
O Jones (WW)2201412  7.00  000 
CB Lang (WW)331138*6.50  002 
A Hegde (CH)220138  6.50 31.70001 
CTF Kentish (EK)1101212  12.00 66.66000 
PS Saravanan (CH)1101111  11.00 42.300001
I Faisal (WW)220106  5.00  001 
RD Paterson (WW)2201010  5.00  000 
M Maqsood (WW)11088  8.00 34.78000 
J Beattie (EK)33175  3.50 53.84001 
LC Fischer-Keogh (WW)22075  3.50  000 
MT McKay (EK)32174  7.00 140.00000 
AR Harden (WW)32264*  001 
W Hood (EK)22066  3.00 50.00001 
JA Canales (CH)21066  6.00 120.00000 
RA McIntyre (EK)22054  2.50 62.50000 
M Salmond (CH)22044  2.00 12.90000 
A Rajgopal (EK)21044  4.00 200.00001 
AM Sturgess (WW)11044  4.00 36.36000 
ROB Jennings (CH)21044  4.00 100.00001 
HR Mehmood (WW)11044  4.00 36.36000 
Farhan Khan (EK)32122*2.00 100.00004 
I Forsal (WW)11122* 66.66000 
SP Awattage (CH)11011  1.00 20.00000 
S Bhatta (CH)11011  1.00 50.000001
M Mackay (EK)11011  1.00 16.66000 
SK Smith (EK)11011  1.00 16.66000 
MJ Hughson (EK)11011  1.00 9.09001 
H Hawthorn (EK)11000  0.00 0.00000 
R Adair (EK)21000  0.00 0.00001 
H Manley (WW)11000  0.00 0.00000 
J Hobman (WW)11000  0.00 0.00000 
RF Walsh (WW)11000  0.00  000 
N Chapman (CH)10       0 
M Perviz (CH)20       0 
Qasim Khan (WW)30       2