Fielding in Punjab Commission Cup 1907/08 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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FH Hawley (POW)26 6
H Marwood (NS)36 6
Webb (RB)35 5
AWF Baird (GH)24 4
Doherty (BW)24 4
Godfrey (RB)24 4
CRB Henderson (BW)2314
WN Lushington (STC)24 4
RG Munn (Jat Skh)24 4
CH Lyon (NS)33 3
AHH Muir (Jat Skh)23 3
Ward (NS)33 3
HB Ward (Roy Ir)13 3
AP Wavell (BW)23 3
WE Wilson-Johnston (Jat Skh)23 3
TR Aldworth (RB)22 2
GH Arbuthnot (RB)32 2
WA Barnett (NS)32 2
Beavis12 2
EP Bedwell (RFA)12 2
Booth (NS)3112
HO Carroll (STC)22 2
C Conyers (Roy Ir)12 2
Crump (NS)32 2
Dew12 2
H Douglas (STC)12 2
JW Duthoit (NS)32 2
H Etlinger (NS)32 2
LP Evans (BW)22 2
Fear (POW)22 2
Hamilton (Roy Ir)12 2
EH Lancaster (STC)22 2
CN MacMullen (Jat Skh)22 2
Mitchell12 2
FH Moore (RB)12 2
Newton12 2
Scaife12 2
A Shelley (NS)32 2
Sullivan (GH)22 2
EJ Tibbles (RB)32 2
JLF Tweedie12 2
NG Anderson (STC)11 1
FAW Armitage (POW)21 1
Atkinson (Roy Ir)11 1
Beardall (Roy Ir)11 1
Bombadier Filbey11 1
RA Bulloch (BW)21 1
WGS Cadogan11 1
L Carr (GH)21 1
Carter (BW)21 1
CM Carter (Jat Skh)21 1
HP Chaplin11 1
Coates (Nor Reg)11 1
PE Collen (STC)21 1
FH Crampton11 1
Davis (RB)11 1
LCB Deed11 1
Freeman (RFA)11 1
Gardener11 1
Gibson (POW)21 1
CS Godfrey (RB)11 1
RE Grosvenor (RFA)11 1
HL Haughton (Jat Skh)21 1
Holloway (RB)11 1
GH Hume-Kelly (NS)31 1
G Ireland11 1
CHB Jarrett1011
GG Lang (POW)21 1
PJC Livingston (BW)21 1
Lynch (Nor Reg)11 1
McArthur (GH)11 1
HML Mansfield (RFA)11 1
RGR Mansfield (Roy Ir)11 1
AD Martin (Jat Skh)21 1
JD Morrogh (Roy Ir)11 1
EM Murray (BW)21 1
PSG O'Donnell (BW)21 1
EWE Palmes11 1
FJ Parker (Nor Reg)11 1
GD Pennington (Jat Skh)21 1
T Philpott11 1
W Platt1011
THS Powell (RFA)11 1
Prothero11 1
MC Radford (RB)31 1
Skinner11 1
ML Slaughter (RB)21 1
JWL Sprot (BW)21 1
FEG Talbot (Jat Skh)21 1
HE Tizard11 1
Tomsett11 1
HW Waller (RFA)11 1
LD Watling (STC)2011
Westbrook (RB)11 1
Wilkinson11 1
SJ Wilkinson (POW)21 1