Bowling in Cricket Deal Direct Women's Premier League 2017 (Ordered by Economy)

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K Anderson (WCW)181322-31.50 009.00 1.00
L McCarthy (Car)241522-52.50 0012.00 1.25
L Steindl (Car)180422-42.00 009.00 1.33
C Evans (Car)181511-55.00 0018.00 1.66
Lowrie (WCW)181511-55.00 0018.00 1.66
M Coke (RHC)120411-44.00 0012.00 2.00
E Tait (GWC)180611-66.00 0018.00 2.00
E Stewart (Car)6020     2.00
S Haggo (Car)6042311-1423.00 0060.00 2.30
H Short (RHC)5422142-85.25 0013.50 2.33
CL Dalton (WCW)7823721-718.50 0039.00 2.84
RK Willis (Car)4812321-411.50 0024.00 2.87
A Steindl (Car)3011542-53.75 007.50 3.00
G Ledingham (Car)6030     3.00
KL Sharkey (Car)4302353-144.60 008.60 3.20
CM Scott (Car)13847463-1612.33 0023.00 3.21
R Ryan (WCW)9705383-106.62 0012.12 3.27
Alex (RHC)1801022-105.00 009.00 3.33
A Aitken-Drummond (Car)181100     3.33
H Rainey (Car)4812753-95.40 009.60 3.37
RA Waldie (RHC)120733-72.33 004.00 3.50
K Wheway (RHC)361220     3.66
R Oliver (RHC)8435531-118.33 0028.00 3.92
C Hutchinson (Car)120811-88.00 0012.00 4.00
D McCormick (GWC)12080     4.00
LI Wilkinson (WCW)240160     4.00
E Bennett (GWC)6024121-1120.50 0030.00 4.10
L Bennett (GWC)4212911-1629.00 0042.00 4.14
K Brett (GWC)2401722-88.50 0012.00 4.25
G Henderson (GWC)11308252-1216.40 0022.60 4.35
I Farooq (Car)7205433-2218.00 0024.00 4.50
S Jack (GWC)12090     4.50
K Reynolds (WCW)120100     5.00
Barber (WCW)120100     5.00
N Hamblin (WCW)8907562-1912.50 0014.83 5.05
E Leslie (WCW)3002611-826.00 0030.00 5.20
ELA Tucker (GWC)139112131-1540.33 0046.33 5.22
S Breslin (WCW)6625911-1859.00 0066.00 5.36
M Scott (Car)4213855-27.60 018.40 5.42
N Whitaker (GWC)6005532-2518.33 0020.00 5.50
G Simpson (Car)6105631-318.66 0020.33 5.50
M Taylor (RHC)2402211-2222.00 0024.00 5.50
R Foulds (RHC)360330     5.50
L Jack (WCW)360340     5.66
OL Montgomery (WCW)660630     5.72
Wylie (GWC)2402311-2323.00 0024.00 5.75
H Stanton (GWC)1801833-106.00 006.00 6.00
S Gynn (RHC)60622-63.00 003.00 6.00
H Tait (Car)5405532-4018.33 0018.00 6.11
G Hodges (RHC)6106511-2565.00 0061.00 6.39
Maxwell (WCW)6070     7.00
SJ Bryce (GWC)3604311-4343.00 0036.00 7.16
N Suiter (RHC)6090     9.00
A Calder (WCW)180270     9.00
C Reynolds (WCW)60120     12.00
C Hart (GWC)360810     13.50