Fielding in Benson and Hedges Cup 1991 (Ordered by Catches)

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RJ Blakey (Yor)611 11
SJ Rhodes (Wo)710111
GA Hick (Wo)78 8
PR Downton (Mx)4718
MA Garnham (Es)6718
D Ripley (Nr)5718
PD Bowler (Dy)46 6
WK Hegg (La)76 6
PA Neale (Wo)76 6
PJW Allott (La)75 5
PAJ DeFreitas (La)75 5
NH Fairbrother (La)75 5
NV Knight (Univ)45 5
SA Marsh (Kent)35 5
P Moores (Sx)4516
MD Moxon (Yor)65 5
KJ Piper (Wk)45 5
DW Randall (Nt)45 5
AN Aymes (Ham)5448
M Azharuddin (Dy)44 4
NE Briers (Le)44 4
CS Cowdrey (Kent)54 4
SD Fletcher (Yor)64 4
PCL Holloway (Univ)44 4
GD Mendis (La)74 4
AJ Moles (Wk)54 4
PJ Newport (Wo)64 4
RC Russell (Gs)44 4
JP Stephenson (Es)64 4
MA Atherton (La)73 3
KJ Barnett (Dy)43 3
SR Barwick (Gm)43 3
PA Booth (Wk)33 3
CA Connor (Ham)53 3
TS Curtis (Wo)73 3
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)73 3
JE Emburey (Mx)43 3
BN French (Nt)43 3
GA Gooch (Es)63 3
K Greenfield (Sx)23 3
TA Lloyd (Wk)53 3
TC Middleton (Ham)43 3
ACS Pigott (Sx)43 3
PJ Prichard (Es)63 3
MR Ramprakash (Mx)43 3
DA Reeve (Wk)53 3
GN Reifer (Sco)43 3
PE Robinson (Yor)63 3
AJ Stewart (Sy)43 3
JR Wood (Ham)43 3
MW Alleyne (Gs)42 2
CWJ Athey (Gs)42 2
JR Ayling (Ham)42 2
GK Brown (MCo)42 2
CK Bullen (Sy)22 2
P Carrick (Yor)32 2
MA Ealham (Kent)22 2
NA Felton (Nr)52 2
NA Folland (MCo)42 2
AR Fothergill (MCo)42 2
G Fowler (La)72 2
JW Govan (Sco)42 2
IA Greig (Sy)42 2
DJ Haggo (Sco)4235
O Henry (Sco)42 2
N Hussain (Es)62 2
RK Illingworth (Wo)62 2
RHJ Jenkins (Univ)42 2
AJ Lamb (Nr)52 2
JW Lloyds (Gs)32 2
MP Maynard (Gm)42 2
TM Moody (Wo)72 2
DP Ostler (Wk)52 2
IL Philip (Sco)42 2
NV Radford (Wo)62 2
B Roberts (Dy)42 2
MJ Roberts (MCo)42 2
ML Roberts (Gm)32 2
JD Robinson (Sy)32 2
AB Russell (Sco)42 2
IDK Salisbury (Sx)42 2
DM Smith (Sx)42 2
CJ Tavaré (Sm)42 2
NR Taylor (Kent)52 2
SD Udal (Ham)52 2
TR Ward (Kent)52 2
VJ Wells (Kent)22 2
CW Wilkinson (Le)32 2
CJ Adams (Dy)41 1
ID Austin (La)71 1
AM Babington (Gs)41 1
RJ Bailey (Nr)51 1
PJ Bakker (Ham)41 1
RJ Bartlett (Sm)21 1
DJ Bicknell (Sy)41 1
TJ Boon (Le)31 1
IT Botham (Wo)61 1
KR Brown (Mx)41 1
RA Bunting (Sx)21 1
ND Burns (Sm)4112
AR Butcher (Gm)41 1
NGB Cook (Nr)31 1
SJ Cook (Sm)41 1
D Cowan (Sco)41 1
NG Cowans (Mx)31 1
GR Cowdrey (Kent)51 1
JP Crawley (Univ)41 1
AA Donald (Wk)51 1
RM Ellison (Kent)51 1
KP Evans (Nt)31 1
MA Feltham (Sy)21 1
I Fletcher (Univ)11 1
A Fordham (Nr)51 1
MW Gatting (Mx)41 1
DI Gower (Ham)51 1
S Greensword (MCo)41 1
JC Hallett (Univ)41 1
PJ Hartley (Yor)51 1
AN Hayhurst (Sm)21 1
DW Headley (Mx)41 1
PN Hepworth (Le)31 1
GD Hodgson (Gs)31 1
DP Hughes (La)21 1
AP Igglesden (Kent)51 1
P Johnson (Nt)41 1
M Keech (Mx)21 1
SR Lampitt (Wo)51 1
RP Lefebvre (Sm)41 1
JI Longley (Univ)41 1
AJ Mack (MCo)31 1
JN Maguire (Le)41 1
NA Mallender (Sm)41 1
TA Merrick (Kent)51 1
AA Metcalfe (Yor)61 1
DJ Millns (Le)31 1
JE Morris (Dy)41 1
TA Munton (Wk)51 1
TJG O'Gorman (Dy)41 1
PWG Parker (Sx)31 1
L Potter (Le)41 1
DR Pringle (Es)61 1
PJ Rendell (Univ)21 1
RT Robinson (Nt)41 1
PW Romaines (Gs)11 1
Saleem Malik (Es)61 1
N Shahid (Es)61 1
RJ Shastri (Gm)31 1
A Sidebottom (Yor)31 1
GC Small (Wk)41 1
AM Smith (Gs)41 1
CL Smith (Ham)51 1
I Smith (Gm)41 1
PA Smith (Wk)51 1
RA Smith (Ham)11 1
FD Stephenson (Nt)41 1
PM Such (Es)61 1
IG Swallow (Sm)31 1
JP Taylor (Nr)41 1
GP Thorpe (Sy)41 1
TD Topley (Es)31 1
PCR Tufnell (Mx)41 1
Waqar Younis (Sy)41 1
M Watkinson (La)51 1
PN Weekes (Mx)11 1
AP Wells (Sx)41 1
P Whitticase (Le)4112
NF Williams (Mx)41 1
RG Williams (Nr)41 1
G Yates (La)31 1