Fielding in Benson and Hedges Cup 1990 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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BN French (Nt)6527
DM Ward (Sy)5426
SR Bevins (Wo)2213
PD Bowler (Dy)4314
ND Burns (Sm)6415
MA Garnham (Es)5516
WK Hegg (La)813114
P Moores (Sx)4112
RJ Parks (Ham)5718
RJ Turner (Univ)4213
CJ Adams (Dy)42 2
MW Alleyne (Gs)53 3
PJW Allott (La)85 5
CEL Ambrose (Nr)43 3
Asif Din (Wk)41 1
MA Atherton (La)82 2
CWJ Athey (Gs)52 2
RJ Bailey (Nr)41 1
P Bainbridge (Gs)52 2
DL Bairstow (Yor)21 1
KJ Barnett (Dy)42 2
A Bee (Sco)31 1
JE Benjamin (Wk)21 1
DJ Bicknell (Sy)41 1
MP Bicknell (Sy)55 5
RJ Blakey (Yor)42 2
J Boiling (Univ)43 3
PA Booth (Wk)21 1
IT Botham (Wo)52 2
BC Broad (Nt)61 1
DR Brown (Sco)31 1
GK Brown (MCo)42 2
KR Brown (Mx)51 1
CK Bullen (Sy)32 2
AR Butcher (Gm)52 2
RO Butcher (Mx)53 3
JH Childs (Es)52 2
GS Clinton (Sy)51 1
G Cook (Nr)31 1
NGB Cook (Nr)11 1
SJ Cook (Sm)63 3
KE Cooper (Nt)63 3
CS Cowdrey (Kent)51 1
GR Cowdrey (Kent)33 3
NGC Cowley (Gm)51 1
KM Curran (Gs)51 1
TS Curtis (Wo)71 1
RP Davis (Kent)41 1
PS de Villiers (Kent)11 1
AIC Dodemaide (Sx)41 1
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)76 6
PR Downton (Mx)59 9
MA Ealham (Kent)51 1
RM Ellison (Kent)11 1
JE Emburey (Mx)54 4
NH Fairbrother (La)83 3
MV Fleming (Kent)41 1
NA Folland (MCo)41 1
AR Fothergill (MCo)35 5
G Fowler (La)82 2
MW Gatting (Mx)41 1
GA Gooch (Es)52 2
IJ Gould (Sx)41 1
DI Gower (Ham)41 1
DA Graveney (Gs)21 1
CG Greenidge (Sco)41 1
IA Greig (Sy)52 2
RJ Harden (Sm)62 2
BR Hardie (Es)51 1
JJE Hardy (Sm)22 2
DL Haynes (Mx)54 4
EE Hemmings (Nt)52 2
O Henry (Sco)32 2
GA Hick (Wo)66 6
SG Hinks (Kent)53 3
GC Holmes (Gm)53 3
DP Hughes (La)83 3
GW Humpage (Wk)48 8
SP James (Univ)42 2
PW Jarvis (Yor)41 1
P Johnson (Nt)63 3
AP Kuiper (Dy)41 1
SR Lampitt (Wo)64 4
W Larkins (Nr)33 3
DV Lawrence (Gs)12 2
CC Lewis (Le)43 3
TA Lloyd (Wk)33 3
MA Lynch (Sy)55 5
NA Mallender (Sm)43 3
SA Marsh (Kent)55 5
RJ Maru (Ham)51 1
KT Medlycott (Sy)41 1
GD Mendis (La)82 2
TA Merrick (Kent)41 1
AA Metcalfe (Yor)42 2
CP Metson (Gm)53 3
G Miller (Dy)21 1
H Morris (Gm)56 6
JE Morris (Dy)41 1
OH Mortensen (Dy)42 2
TA Munton (Wk)41 1
PA Neale (Wo)64 4
PJ Newport (Wo)73 3
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)32 2
TM Orrell (Univ)21 1
CL Parfitt (Sco)41 1
PWG Parker (Sx)41 1
BMW Patterson (Sco)41 1
IL Philip (Sco)41 1
RA Pick (Nt)61 1
SG Plumb (MCo)41 1
PR Pollard (Nt)31 1
L Potter (Le)42 2
PJ Prichard (Es)51 1
NV Radford (Wo)65 5
MR Ramprakash (Mx)51 1
DW Randall (Nt)61 1
DA Reeve (Wk)41 1
SJ Rhodes (Wo)56 6
IVA Richards (Gm)52 2
D Ripley (Nr)42 2
B Roberts (Dy)41 1
MJ Roberts (MCo)41 1
JD Robinson (Sy)11 1
RT Robinson (Nt)61 1
PM Roebuck (Sm)53 3
MA Roseberry (Mx)41 1
RC Russell (Gs)55 5
S Sharp (MCo)21 1
KJ Shine (Ham)51 1
A Sidebottom (Yor)42 2
GC Small (Wk)41 1
AM Smith (Univ)41 1
CL Smith (Ham)52 2
DM Smith (Sx)11 1
I Smith (Gm)41 1
NMK Smith (Wk)31 1
RA Smith (Ham)41 1
MP Speight (Sx)41 1
JP Stephenson (Es)52 2
AJ Stewart (Sy)51 1
IG Swallow (Sm)62 2
CJ Tavaré (Sm)62 2
NR Taylor (MCo)41 1
VP Terry (Ham)53 3
JG Thomas (Nr)41 1
CM Tolley (Univ)41 1
TD Topley (Es)51 1
RG Twose (Wk)32 2
WM van der Merwe (Univ)41 1
TR Ward (Kent)52 2
AE Warner (Dy)31 1
SNV Waterton (MCo)11 1
ME Waugh (Es)52 2
AP Wells (Sx)41 1
MJ Weston (Wo)41 1
JJ Whitaker (Le)41 1
C White (Yor)31 1
P Whitticase (Le)44 4