Bowling in Benson and Hedges Cup 1990 (Ordered by Player)

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JA Afford (Nt)396924052-4748.00 0079.20 3.63
JP Agnew (Le)168410343-2025.75 0042.00 3.67
MW Alleyne (Gs)149115144-4237.75 1037.25 6.08
PJW Allott (La)4201320262-2333.66 0070.00 2.88
CEL Ambrose (Nr)264910093-1911.11 0029.33 2.27
MA Atherton (La)8415233-3217.33 0028.00 3.71
ID Austin (La)39011244114-2522.18 1035.45 3.75
JR Ayling (Ham)126013842-2234.50 0031.50 6.57
P Bainbridge (Gs)150410822-3154.00 0075.00 4.32
PJ Bakker (Ham)6032111-2121.00 0060.00 2.10
MCJ Ball (Gs)600680     6.80
KJ Barnett (Dy)6090     9.00
SR Barwick (Gm)246319384-6724.12 1030.75 4.70
SJ Base (Dy)240417673-3325.14 0034.28 4.40
A Bee (Sco)144114611-67146.00 00144.00 6.08
JE Benjamin (Wk)13267232-3224.00 0044.00 3.27
WKM Benjamin (Le)5432922-2914.50 0027.00 3.22
PJ Berry (Yor)300280     5.60
MP Bicknell (Sy)311923792-2726.33 0034.55 4.57
J Boiling (Univ)198115211-37152.00 00198.00 4.60
PA Booth (Wk)9017222-3936.00 0045.00 4.80
IT Botham (Wo)300720972-2929.85 0042.85 4.18
DR Brown (Sco)183214033-5046.66 0061.00 4.59
CK Bullen (Sy)198412032-3540.00 0066.00 3.63
D Byas (Yor)7815011-1350.00 0078.00 3.84
DJ Capel (Nr)16819132-2930.33 0056.00 3.25
P Carrick (Yor)13217111-3171.00 00132.00 3.22
JH Childs (Es)270317653-3735.20 0054.00 3.91
AR Clarke (Sx)132112311-53123.00 00132.00 5.59
CA Connor (Ham)270123473-4033.42 0038.57 5.20
NGB Cook (Nr)661450     4.09
KE Cooper (Nt)3861319973-2528.42 0055.14 3.09
D Cowan (Sco)236121253-3642.40 0047.20 5.38
NG Cowans (Mx)264517142-2242.75 0066.00 3.88
CS Cowdrey (Kent)1922142103-2914.20 0019.20 4.43
GR Cowdrey (Kent)300230     4.60
NGC Cowley (Gm)318217341-2343.25 0079.50 3.26
MA Crawley (Univ)264711331-1837.66 0088.00 2.56
KM Curran (Gs)228216073-2922.85 0032.57 4.21
A Dale (Univ)12629311-2193.00 00126.00 4.42
RP Davis (Kent)216116032-4053.33 0072.00 4.44
PAJ DeFreitas (La)3905242113-3622.00 0035.45 3.72
SJ Dennis (Gm)15039521-3747.50 0075.00 3.80
PS de Villiers (Kent)6003722-3718.50 0030.00 3.70
GR Dilley (Wo)3054211114-4819.18 1027.72 4.15
AIC Dodemaide (Sx)264419352-3638.60 0052.80 4.38
AA Donald (Wk)6614211-4242.00 0066.00 3.81
MA Ealham (Kent)240118794-5720.77 1026.66 4.67
RM Ellison (Kent)362140     2.33
JE Emburey (Mx)308319872-2728.28 0044.00 3.85
RA Evans (MCo)6013611-3636.00 0060.00 3.60
MA Feltham (Sy)540520     5.77
MV Fleming (Kent)14427321-2736.50 0072.00 3.04
SD Fletcher (Yor)251416252-2332.40 0050.20 3.87
NA Foster (Es)306817483-1821.75 0038.25 3.41
M Frost (Gm)236814694-2516.22 1026.22 3.71
MW Gatting (Mx)198115843-6539.50 0049.50 4.78
MI Gidley (Le)721390     3.25
SC Goldsmith (Dy)6003833-3812.66 0020.00 3.80
GA Gooch (Es)168312221-2761.00 0084.00 4.35
D Gough (Yor)360270     4.50
IJ Gould (Sx)180160     5.33
JW Govan (Nr)13848511-5585.00 00138.00 3.69
DA Graveney (Gs)13219511-4095.00 00132.00 4.31
AH Gray (Sy)1262720     3.42
RC Green (MCo)241218321-4991.50 00120.50 4.55
S Greensword (MCo)204215543-3838.75 0051.00 4.55
IA Greig (Sy)218017632-3558.66 0072.66 4.84
JC Hallett (Sm)6607011-5270.00 0066.00 6.36
AR Hansford (Sx)264026522-55132.50 00132.00 6.02
PJ Hartley (Yor)12036333-3421.00 0040.00 3.15
AN Hayhurst (Sm)252017662-2329.33 0042.00 4.19
DL Haynes (Mx)7205711-2357.00 0072.00 4.75
EE Hemmings (Nt)324818242-3345.50 0081.00 3.37
JR Hemstock (Mx)6013722-3718.50 0030.00 3.70
O Henry (Sco)1322880     4.00
GA Hick (Wo)180012543-3631.25 0045.00 4.16
GC Holmes (Gm)11409232-2730.66 0038.00 4.84
SP Hughes (Mx)263018763-3731.16 0043.83 4.26
AP Igglesden (Kent)300310     6.20
RK Illingworth (Wo)276118221-4291.00 00138.00 3.95
MC Ilott (Es)962610     3.81
KD James (Ham)9637021-3435.00 0048.00 4.37
KBS Jarvis (Gs)150211232-2537.33 0050.00 4.48
PW Jarvis (Yor)258318652-2937.20 0051.60 4.32
AN Jones (Sm)281322394-4124.77 1031.22 4.76
LA Joseph (Ham)661380     3.45
AP Kuiper (Dy)226023533-7178.33 0075.33 6.23
SR Lampitt (Wo)330425062-4341.66 0055.00 4.54
DV Lawrence (Gs)6633611-3636.00 0066.00 3.27
RP Lefebvre (Sm)350423052-3946.00 0070.00 3.94
NJ Lenham (Sx)5405121-325.50 0027.00 5.66
CC Lewis (Le)186411922-4259.50 0093.00 3.83
AW Lilley (Es)12070     3.50
MA Lynch (Sy)720660     5.50
SM McEwan (Wo)6605322-5326.50 0033.00 4.81
AJ Mack (MCo)246515482-2219.25 0030.75 3.75
DE Malcolm (Dy)180213143-5532.75 0045.00 4.36
NA Mallender (Sm)210610232-3234.00 0070.00 2.91
MD Marshall (Ham)21621730     4.80
RJ Maru (Ham)228321953-4643.80 0045.60 5.76
KT Medlycott (Sy)264019853-4839.60 0052.80 4.50
TA Merrick (Kent)184411742-3029.25 0046.00 3.81
ET Milburn (Gs)3012311-2323.00 0030.00 4.60
G Miller (Dy)13208811-4688.00 00132.00 4.00
JD Moir (Sco)264717942-5144.75 0066.00 4.06
TM Moody (Wk)15011520     6.08
OH Mortensen (Dy)240913121-4365.50 00120.00 3.27
AD Mullally (Le)12657521-2837.50 0063.00 3.57
TA Munton (Wk)234314342-2835.75 0058.50 3.66
AJ Murphy (Sy)174513842-3634.50 0043.50 4.75
PJ Newport (Wo)372820694-2522.88 1041.33 3.32
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)60211-22.00 006.00 2.00
JA North (Sx)4804811-4848.00 0048.00 6.00
CL Parfitt (Sco)264612254-1624.40 1052.80 2.77
GJ Parsons (Le)241260     6.50
BP Patterson (La)21199641-624.00 0052.75 2.72
C Penn (Kent)11919732-4032.33 0039.66 4.89
RA Pick (Nt)382228483-5035.50 0047.75 4.46
ACS Pigott (Sx)186510932-3336.33 0062.00 3.51
SG Plumb (MCo)13801200     5.21
L Potter (Le)6613411-2634.00 0066.00 3.09
DR Pringle (Es)286517952-2835.80 0057.20 3.75
NV Radford (Wo)3399218104-2621.80 1033.90 3.85
DA Reeve (Wk)246417542-2743.75 0061.50 4.26
IVA Richards (Gm)306120053-3840.00 0061.20 3.92
JD Robinson (Sy)6604122-4120.50 0033.00 3.72
MA Robinson (Nr)232117642-4744.00 0058.00 4.55
PM Roebuck (Sm)8407022-1335.00 0042.00 5.00
GD Rose (Sm)3306240104-3724.00 1033.00 4.36
AB Russell (Sco)12090     4.50
IDK Salisbury (Sx)10209211-6092.00 00102.00 5.41
K Saxelby (Nt)6633922-3919.50 0033.00 3.54
RJ Scott (Ham)660560     5.09
S Sharp (MCo)180260     8.66
KJ Shine (Ham)260124074-6834.28 1037.14 5.53
A Sidebottom (Yor)241715631-3552.00 0080.33 3.88
GC Small (Wk)2644123114-2211.18 2024.00 2.79
AM Smith (Univ)240220532-4668.33 0080.00 5.12
CL Smith (Ham)6020     2.00
MJ Smith (Sco)600450     4.50
NMK Smith (Wk)9006311-4363.00 0090.00 4.20
PA Smith (Wk)300150     3.00
RD Stemp (Wo)481380     4.75
FD Stephenson (Nt)396424993-3327.66 0044.00 3.77
JP Stephenson (Es)15009973-2214.14 0021.42 3.96
IG Swallow (Sm)275320742-3251.75 0068.75 4.51
LB Taylor (Le)178113153-6526.20 0035.60 4.41
NR Taylor (MCo)246516573-5223.57 0035.14 4.02
DR Thomas (MCo)9635311-2453.00 0096.00 3.31
JG Thomas (Nr)234020464-4534.00 1039.00 5.23
GP Thorpe (Sy)4204511-3045.00 0042.00 6.42
CM Tolley (Univ)22861690     4.44
TD Topley (Es)240312832-2742.66 0080.00 3.20
PCR Tufnell (Mx)10807811-4278.00 00108.00 4.33
RG Twose (Wk)180160     5.33
WM van der Merwe (Univ)256717972-3425.57 0036.57 4.19
A Walker (Nr)661390     3.54
CA Walsh (Gs)16247722-3238.50 0081.00 2.85
Waqar Younis (Sy)6605522-5527.50 0033.00 5.00
AE Warner (Dy)198212683-3115.75 0024.75 3.81
Wasim Akram (La)18609863-2916.33 0031.00 3.16
SL Watkin (Gm)264716321-3281.50 00132.00 3.70
M Watkinson (La)3763261124-5821.75 1031.33 4.16
ME Waugh (Es)3602511-2525.00 0036.00 4.16
PN Weekes (Mx)421270     3.85
CM Wells (Sx)252419011-45190.00 00252.00 4.52
MJ Weston (Wo)3612111-2121.00 0036.00 3.50
C White (Yor)5403111-3131.00 0054.00 3.44
DJ Wild (Nr)482330     4.12
P Willey (Le)660360     3.27
NF Williams (Mx)3247201113-3718.27 0029.45 3.72