Fielding in Benson and Hedges Cup 1982 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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BN French (Nt)711516
T Davies (Gm)3426
DJ Humphries (Wo)4325
RW Taylor (Dy)5527
AJ Brassington (Gs)4213
A Brown (Sco)4112
PR Downton (Mx)5415
C Maynard (La)2213
DJS Taylor (Sm)714115
JP Agnew (Le)32 2
PJW Allott (La)61 1
Asif Din (Wk)41 1
Asif Iqbal (Kent)52 2
CWJ Athey (Yor)42 2
D Bailey (MCo)41 1
P Bainbridge (Gs)42 2
DL Bairstow (Yor)47 7
JC Balderstone (Le)54 4
JRT Barclay (Sx)65 5
GD Barlow (Mx)52 2
KJ Barnett (Dy)52 2
SR Barwick (Gm)42 2
MR Benson (Kent)32 2
JD Birch (Nt)41 1
MK Bore (Nt)41 1
IT Botham (Sm)73 3
JM Brearley (Mx)53 3
GI Burgess (MCo)21 1
AR Butcher (Sy)41 1
JH Childs (Gs)31 1
ST Clarke (Sy)41 1
PB Clift (Le)21 1
GS Clinton (Sy)41 1
I Cockbain (La)32 2
FE Collyer (MCo)23 3
G Cook (Nr)41 1
KE Cooper (Nt)62 2
CS Cowdrey (Kent)56 6
NGC Cowley (Ham)42 2
J Cumbes (Wk)44 4
BF Davison (Le)51 1
PW Denning (Sm)74 4
GR Dilley (Kent)53 3
CH Dredge (Sm)71 1
DE East (Es)33 3
PH Edmonds (Mx)51 1
JE Emburey (Mx)51 1
MA Fell (Nt)21 1
AM Ferreira (Wk)31 1
RW Flower (MCo)21 1
NA Foster (Es)11 1
J Garner (Sm)32 2
MA Garnham (Le)56 6
MW Gatting (Mx)53 3
IJ Gemmell (MCo)31 1
CFE Goldie (Univ)42 2
GA Gooch (Es)46 6
IJ Gould (Sx)68 8
DI Gower (Le)54 4
DA Graveney (Gs)43 3
AM Green (Sx)11 1
CG Greenidge (Ham)43 3
A Griffiths (MCo)23 3
RJ Hadlee (Nt)64 4
JH Hampshire (Dy)53 3
BR Hardie (Es)44 4
EE Hemmings (Nt)72 2
EJO Hemsley (Wo)43 3
SP Henderson (Univ)43 3
M Hendrick (Nt)73 3
KI Hodgson (Univ)11 1
GC Holmes (Gm)32 2
JA Hopkins (Gm)43 3
DP Hughes (La)62 2
GW Humpage (Wk)48 8
TE Jesty (Ham)43 3
GW Johnson (Kent)42 2
PD Johnson (MCo)41 1
A Jones (Gm)41 1
EW Jones (Gm)13 3
AI Kallicharran (Wk)41 1
A Kennedy (La)61 1
PN Kirsten (Dy)51 1
RDV Knight (Sy)44 4
APE Knott (Kent)59 9
BK Kunderan (Sco)11 1
AJ Lamb (Nr)41 1
C Lethbridge (Wk)31 1
JK Lever (Es)42 2
AW Lilley (Es)42 2
BJ Lloyd (Gm)41 1
CH Lloyd (La)62 2
D Lloyd (La)54 4
TA Lloyd (Wk)41 1
MA Lynch (Sy)41 1
VJ Marks (Sm)61 1
GD Mendis (Sx)61 1
G Miller (Dy)54 4
HR Moseley (Sm)71 1
MA Nash (Gm)41 1
PA Neale (Wo)22 2
PG Newman (Dy)41 1
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)31 1
CM Old (Yor)41 1
PR Oliver (Wk)21 1
RC Ontong (Gm)41 1
JA Ormrod (Wo)41 1
PWG Parker (Sx)52 2
RJ Parks (Ham)47 7
GJ Parsons (Le)53 3
DN Patel (Wo)41 1
CP Phillipson (Sx)61 1
ACS Pigott (Sx)52 2
SG Plumb (MCo)42 2
PI Pocock (Sy)41 1
AJ Pollock (Univ)31 1
NFM Popplewell (Sm)64 4
L Potter (Kent)41 1
AP Pridgeon (Wo)41 1
A Ramage (Yor)42 2
DW Randall (Nt)72 2
BW Reidy (La)61 1
CEB Rice (Nt)71 1
JM Rice (Ham)32 2
CJ Richards (Sy)42 2
IVA Richards (Sm)72 2
NA Riddell (MCo)42 2
RT Robinson (Nt)71 1
PM Roebuck (Sm)71 1
CJC Rowe (Gm)41 1
K Saxelby (Nt)42 2
CJ Scott (La)13 3
MWW Selvey (Mx)51 1
G Sharp (Nr)43 3
K Sharp (Yor)42 2
JN Shepherd (Gs)41 1
J Simmons (La)32 2
WN Slack (Mx)51 1
DM Smith (Sy)32 2
N Smith (Es)12 2
DL Snodgrass (Sco)41 1
DS Steele (Nr)41 1
JF Steele (Le)52 2
AW Stovold (Gs)43 3
D Surridge (Gs)41 1
RG Swan (Sco)41 1
CJ Tavaré (Kent)51 1
LB Taylor (Le)51 1
VP Terry (Ham)41 1
JG Tolchard (MCo)42 2
RW Tolchard (Le)52 2
CJ Tunnicliffe (Dy)43 3
GM Turner (Wo)43 3
S Turner (Es)41 1
JG Varey (Univ)41 1
MA Wallwork (La)35 5
AE Warner (Wo)21 1
CJ Warner (Sco)21 1
CM Wells (Sx)63 3
DJ Wild (Nr)11 1
P Willey (Nr)31 1
B Wood (Dy)53 3
RA Woolmer (Kent)43 3
JG Wright (Dy)51 1
TJ Yardley (Nr)33 3
Younis Ahmed (Wo)41 1