Batting and Fielding in Cricket Scotland Women's Regional matches 2016 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
SJ Bryce (ES)33120770  103.50  033 
K Carswell (RS)2206952  34.50 52.67011 
AJ Aitken-Drummond (ES)2206561  32.50  010 
L Jack (RS)3308555  28.33  012 
K McGill (ES)3314646*23.00  000 
EM Priddle (RS)2203721  18.50  000 
RS Glen (RS)1101818  18.00 56.25000 
KE Bryce (ES)3305331  17.66  003 
RV Hawkins (RS)2203522  17.50  000 
A Baldwin (ES)2211412*14.00  000 
RK Willis (ES)3202616  13.00  000 
A Aitken-Drummond (RS)3303635  12.00  000 
I Couttie (RS)1101212  12.00  000 
L Steindl (ES)22195*9.00  001 
K White (ES)21099  9.00 23.07001 
RB Patel (ES)11088  8.00  000 
LI Wilkinson (RS)2201514  7.50  000 
OSM Rae (ES)2201313  6.50  003 
CL Dalton (RS)22054  2.50 71.42000 
N Wheeler (ES)22054  2.50  000 
L Grant (RS)33053  1.66  000 
EL Watson (RS)22022  1.00  002 
J Scully (ES)11011  1.00  000 
S Haggo (RS)22011  0.50 8.33000 
JL Mills (RS)22100*0.00 0.00000 
A Pritchard (RS)11000  0.00  000 
AM Maqsood (RS)11000  0.00 0.00000 
PA Chatterji (RS)11000  0.00 0.00000 
H Rainey (ES)11000  0.00 0.00000 
R Ryan (RS)21111* 12.50001 
MJ McColl (RS)11111*  000 
LT Thomson (ES)10       1 
CJ Ormiston (ES)20       1 
G Howells (ES)10       0