Scotland Women Women's ODI Team Records

List of Matches for Scotland Women
Playing Record for Scotland Women
Highest Team Totals for Scotland Women
Highest Team Totals against Scotland Women
Lowest Team Totals for Scotland Women
Lowest Team Totals against Scotland Women
Highest First Innings Team Totals to Lose by Scotland Women
Highest Winning Run Margin by Scotland Women
Smallest Winning Run Margin by Scotland Women
Win by Ten Wickets by Scotland Women
Lowest Innings Totals to Include a Century by Scotland Women
Highest Innings Totals not to Include a Century by Scotland Women
Highest Innings Totals not to Include a Fifty by Scotland Women
Highest Match Aggregates by Scotland Women
Most Extras in an Innings For Scotland Women
Most Extras in an Innings against Scotland Women
Most Extras by Both Teams in a Match Involving Scotland Women