Scotland Women's Most Catches

Ct M
53157A Aitken2005-2024
53119KE Bryce2011-2024/25
41138K Anderson2000-2016/17
27118PA Chatterji2008-2024/25
24119K White2000-2016
24103AM Maqsood2014-2024/25
2274RV Scholes2012-2019
1752KL Gordon2012-2017
1791K McGill2015-2022
1647LI Wilkinson2007-2018
15113S Haggo2007-2023
1231CL Bascombe2001-2015
1285FE Urquhart2000-2016/17
1149LM Kasperek2007-2012
1148KJG Fraser2019-2024/25
11106L Jack2007-2024/25
917D Pedgrift2004-2011
971OSM Rae2011-2017
937RS Glen2017-2021
930DEM Carter2023-2024/25
841CEM Smaill2007-2012
717VSC Maxwell2001-2007
739CJ Sweetman2001-2010
738AK Lister2019-2024/25
722SJ Bryce2015-2024/25
619CA Farr2007-2009
631S Aslam2003-2011
633L Dickson2008-2013
633N Wheeler2009-2014
635EL Watson2017-2024
529A Ramsay2000-2009
566EM Priddle2010-2017
59CM Scott2018-2021/22
548HRA Rainey2018-2024
522SM Horley2022-2024/25

The record for A Aitken includes 1 catch in 15 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for KE Bryce includes 3 catches in 4 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for K Anderson includes 2 catches in 14 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for PA Chatterji includes 1 catch in 3 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for K White includes 5 catches in 13 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for RV Scholes includes 2 catches in 7 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for K McGill includes 1 catch in 4 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for CL Bascombe excludes 25 catches in 48 matches when keeping wicket but includes 4 catches in 10 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for FE Urquhart includes 1 catch in 8 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for L Jack excludes 24 catches in 64 matches when keeping wicket but includes 2 catches in 10 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for D Pedgrift excludes 1 catch in 4 matches when keeping wicket but includes 1 catch in 4 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for AK Lister excludes 4 catches in 5 matches when keeping wicket
The record for SJ Bryce excludes 43 catches in 91 matches when keeping wicket but includes 1 catch in 3 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for S Aslam includes 1 catch in 2 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for L Dickson includes 1 catch in 2 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for N Wheeler includes 1 catch in 5 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for EL Watson excludes 4 catches in 5 matches when keeping wicket
The record for A Ramsay excludes 1 catch in 2 matches when keeping wicket but includes 1 catch in 5 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket
The record for EM Priddle includes 1 catch in 5 matches in which it is not known whether she kept wicket

The list shows occurrences of 5 or more