Andy Hislop

Full name:Andrew Hector James Hislop
Born:30th May 1986, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Batting:Right-hand batter
Clubs:Clydesdale, Greenock, Watsonians, West of Scotland
Teams:Scotland Under-19s (Under-19 ODI: 2003/04-2005/06);
Scotland A (Second Eleven Championship: 2007);
Western Warriors (Scotland Inter-Regional Twenty20: 2010);
Clydesdale (Cricket Scotland League: 2002-2009);
Greenock (Cricket Scotland League: 2010-2011);
Watsonians (Cricket Scotland League: 2012-2019);
West of Scotland (Cricket Scotland League: 2021);
Clydesdale (Scottish Cup: 2002-2009);
Greenock (Scottish Cup: 2010-2011);
Watsonians (Scottish Cup: 2012-2018);
Loughborough University Centre of Cricketing Excellence (Miscellaneous: 2009);
Marylebone Cricket Club (Miscellaneous: 2015-2019);
All teams
Lists of matches and more detailed statistics

Under-19 ODI Career Batting and Fielding (2003/04-2005/06)
Scotland Under-19s54036149.000028.572