Richard Chee Quee

Full name:Richard Chee Quee
Born:4th January 1971, Camperdown, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Batting:Right-hand batter
Relations:Brother: M Chee Quee
Teams:New South Wales (Main FC: 1992/93-1997/98);
New South Wales (Main ListA: 1993/94-1997/98);
All teams
Lists of matches and more detailed statistics

First-Class Career Batting and Fielding (1992/93-1997/98)
New South Wales21371102910528.581650.3116

List A Career Batting and Fielding (1993/94-1997/98)
New South Wales2423187613139.811565.2215
List A Career Bowling (1993/94-1997/98)
New South Wales60300-33.00