Hely Almond

Full name:Hely Hutchinson Almond
Born:12th August 1832, Barony, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Died:7th March 1903, North End Lodge, Musselburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Biography:Headmaster of Loretto School. President of Scottish Cricket Union 1882 and 1883. A leading figure in the early development of cricket and rugby football in Scotland. Acted as one of the umpires in the rugby international between Scotland and England on 27.3.1871, the first rugby international ever played.
Education:Glasgow College; Balliol College, Oxford
Occupation:School Headmaster
Clubs:Loretto School
Relations:Brother-in-law: HB Tristram
Teams:Cornwall (Miscellaneous: 1858);
All teams
Lists of matches and more detailed statistics
Pictures:Portrait of Hely Almond

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