Charles Cunningham

Full name:Charles John Cunningham
Born:21st December 1849, Morebattle Tofts, Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Died:20th October 1906, Muirhouselaw, Maxton, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Occupation:Farmer of 7000 acres
Clubs:Kelso (1868-1893); The Grange; Berwick; Shawdon Rovers
Other Sports:Steelplechasing: second in the Grand national in 1889 on his own horse "Why Not". Winner of the Scottish Grand National in 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889. He rode six winners in a day at Rugby Hunt on 29 March 1881
Teams:Northumberland (Miscellaneous: 1875); Dalkeith (Miscellaneous: 1876); Aberdeenshire (Miscellaneous: 1876); Roxburghshire (Miscellaneous: 1877-1881); Jockeys (Miscellaneous: 1879-1880); Close House (Miscellaneous: 1890)
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