Ito Piggott

Full name:Julian Ito Piggott
Born:25th March 1888, Tokyo, Japan
Died:23rd January 1965, Coldharbour, Dorking, Surrey, England
Batting:Right-hand batter
Education:Cheltenham College; Pembroke College, Cambridge
Occupation:Army and Diplomat
Biography:Awarded MC 1917; appointed OBE 1925 for services to Rhineland High Commission, and CBE 1933 for services to the steel industry
Relations:Brother: FSG Piggott; Nephew: FJC Piggott; Nephew: JAS Piggott
Teams:Surrey (Main FC: 1910-1913);
All teams
Lists of matches and more detailed statistics

First-Class Career Batting and Fielding (1910-1913)