Frank Townsend

Full name:Frank Norton Townsend
Born:16th September 1875, Clifton, Bristol, England
Died:25th May 1901, Kimberley, Cape Province, South Africa
Batting:Right-hand batter
Occasional wicket-keeper
Education:Blair Lodge Academy, Polmont (Stirlingshire)
Biography:He was killed in action in the Second Boer War
Relations:Brother: AFM Townsend; Brother: CL Townsend; Father: F Townsend; Great-nephew: JRA Townsend; Nephew: PN Townsend; Nephew: AH Townsend; Nephew: DCH Townsend
Teams:Gloucestershire (Main FC: 1896-1900);
Transvaal (Main FC: 1898/99);
All teams
Lists of matches and more detailed statistics

First-Class Career Batting and Fielding (1896-1900)