M Duncan as Umpire in Miscellaneous Matches (4)

Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database

26th June 2003 British Universities Tournament 2003  Irish Universities v Welsh Universities Peffermill Playing Fields, Edinburgh misc197135
1st August 2003 European Under-15 Championship 2003  Ireland Under-15s v Netherlands Under-15s Forthill, Dundee misc9823
10th June 2004 Marylebone Cricket Club in Scotland 2004  Scotland Under-19s v Marylebone Cricket Club Lochlands Park, Arbroath misc196243
16th July 2004 European Under-13 Championship 2004  Ireland Under-13s v Netherlands Under-13s Forthill, Dundee misc9781